Friday, November 28, 2014

Like Minds Geek Fiction Now Available

Today Like Minds is finally published.  Like Minds is a near future science fiction thriller that includes AI, Augmented Reality, the FBI, and even a serial killer.  After working on the book for over a decade, I'm really excited to announce that the ebook version is available on Amazon today.

To read more about the book you can go to the official book page:  and I'll post updates to the Facebook page as well if you like that kind of thing.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

RasPi Softener Salt Level Monitor

If you can't tell from the fact that this is my first post in 2014 and it's March already that I am not one for routine tasks, then I'll tell you.  I'm not one for routine tasks.  More often then not, I get distracted or forget.  So when it comes to my water softener, I usually discover it's low after the black plastic spatulas all turn white.  So it's about time I did something about it.
I was inspire by the cool (and cheap) HC-SR04 distance sensors. They look like cool little robot heads and can tell you how far away something is.  I HAD to use one for something.
Johnny Five
The idea was simple.  Monitor the distance from the lid of the softener do the bottom and alert when the distance to too far.